Wednesday 4 June 2014

1.      Types of piston engine:
1.Rotary engine:
Crankshaft is held constant and cylinder rotate about the crankshaft (propeller is attached to engine case)
1.      Torque and gyro effect of large rotating mass of engine made the airplane difficult to control.
2.      Castor oil as lubricant so exhaust contains castor oil fumes that will disturb the pilot vision.
2.In-line engine:
Arranged in single row parallel to crankshaft, either upright or inverted, Limited cylinder only (up to 6)
1.      Greater pilot visibility, small frontal area, this reduce drag by making air streamlining.
2.      Has high weight to horsepower ratio.
1.      When number of engine gets increased then cooling will be difficult, engines weight to horsepower ratio will gets reduced (so not suitable for high horsepower applications).
3.V-type Engine:
Arranged on crankshaft in two rows (or banks), forming ‘V’ letter, angle between the banks (90,60, 45), only even number of cylinders in each row.
1.      Less weight compare to In-line.
2.      Frontal area is good as like In-line
4  4.Radial Engine:
            Arranged in the same circular plane and all pistons are arranged in single “Throw”
            Odd numbers of cylinders.
            Low weight to horsepower ratio of all.
            More frontal area, greater drag, cooling problems, but slight high than In-line engine.
3.      Reduces drag.
4.      Upright V-type or Inverted V-type.
5.      Better pilot visibility and short landing gear are possible if engine is inverted.

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